Please join us this Thursday December 10th, 2009 from 4-6pm in the Media Lab Bartos Theatre & Lower-Level for our end-of-semester D-Lab Fall Finale! We start in Bartos Theatre at 4pm with students from each project team in the four D-Lab classes highlighting their Fall semester activities. Then we shift out to the lower level atrium space for further conversations over drinks and tasty morsels, both veggie and carne. We also hope to help connect people from throughout our greater-Cambridge international development community and to spotlight emerging opportunities in the upcoming Spring semester. The D-Lab family of offerings includes these four Fall subjects:
Please spread the word and feel free to personally invite those friends & classmates who you think would both enjoy and add to the evening!
Summary Details
What: End-of-Semester D-Lab Fall Finale at MIT
Where: MIT Media Lab lower level & Bartos Theatre
When: Thurs Dec 10th, 4-6pm
How Much: Free. Hosted by D-Lab Family of International Development classes.
Why: Foods & Drinks, Links & Thinks