Earlier this year, MIT D-Lab released its annual report for the 2013 - 2014 year. Being the first comprehensive report of activities that we have put out since the program inception 12 years ago, we look farther back than this last academic year to put into perspective our current programs.
The 16 packed and colorful pages that constitute the report provide a very easy to read, high level overview of what keeps us all busy and focused at D-Lab. The report covers our academics and educational programs, D-Lab Scale-Ups, the International Development Innovation Network, the Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation, Creative Capacity Building and the Youth program. Several shorter articles spotlight featured parts of our operations such as our impeccable workshop, the designers-in-residence program, and our decade-long work on agricultural waste charcoal.
Grab your mug, pour your favorite drink, sit back and enjoy reading what we have been up to for the past year in and out of the lab, and get a peek into where we are going next. Short of joining for a tour of D-Lab, reading our annual report gives you a good sense of what's happening at D-Lab.Enjoy!