Winnie Gitau is co-founder of Kwangu Kwako, which provides safer, healthier and more secure housing alternatives to the traditional informal settlement structures in Kenya. To do this, they use reinforced pre-cast concrete panels made by local artisans within the community. The outcome is a safer, simpler and more cost-effective alternative to the existing Mabati structures, which are temporary homes built from corrugated iron sheets and bush poles.
Winnie is a university graduate with over 15 years experience working with NGOs including the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Liverpool care, and VSOJitolee, working in the areas of secure livelihoods, social work, and health in various capacities. She also has experience in people management, human resource, finance, sales, and marketing.
In the news
3 Kenyan Startups clinch 2019 Sankalp Africa Awards - Khusoko
Kenyan Start-Ups Recognized in Sankalp Africa Award - Daily Active Kenya
Kwangu-Kwako: precast concrete panel homes for Africa’s slums - Blue Biz